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hayvan xxx Hello 31-year-olds, I’m Sinan from Adana. i’ve been married for 10 years. My wife and I don’t have much of a problem with sex. Last summer we went to a tent camp and rented a tent. While I was sunbathing on the beach with a towel laid out, my wife was collecting seashells on the beach by herself. She was twisting around while picking it up, naturally her bikini got into her ass and she looked very sexy. As my wife was bending down and getting up, I saw a young man in his 20s looking at my wife’s ass a little further away. The teenager watched my wife’s ass for about 2-3 minutes, then went towards the dressing room. It was obvious from his swimsuit that his dick was about to explode. I was sure he was going to wank while dreaming about my wife’s ass. Without warning, I also went towards the changing rooms. Yes, just as I expected, there were ‘knock knock knock’ jerking sounds coming from the cabin where the teenager entered.

For some reason, this turned me on a lot, my dick was up too. I left there immediately and went to my wife, took my wife, took her to the tent, fucked her nicely. My wife was surprised, “What happened to you, man, why were you so horny day and day?” he asked. So I told him what happened. My wife was even more surprised when she saw that I was not angry about this incident, on the contrary, this incident excited and turned me on. But this event was the occasion for new beginnings. Every time I fuck my wife, “Wife, let them jerk off looking at your cunt ass!”I was being provoked by saying words like “. The interesting thing is, the more I talked like this, my wife was getting as horny as I was.

After a certain time, my wife (at my insistence) made some confessions, made her boyfriend lick her pussy before marrying me, gave her ass several times. When he was telling me about these things, he said, “Please don’t be angry, husband, I did these things before I married you. I love you so much!” he was saying. “My wife, what is there to be angry about in this?” I said, “and I wanted her to find her ex-boyfriend. And my wife said, “We already see each other on Social Media from time to time!” said. I said to my wife, “Is it just OK?” when I asked, my wife got a little bored and said that she was showing her pussy and ass on my Webcam, and she was jerking off. So I kissed my wife and told her how excited I was, that I wanted to secretly watch them do this again.

Anyway, my wife got naked in front of my Webcam on the weekend. His friend was also talking profanely, looking at my wife’s pussy ass, jerked off 2 times and ejaculated. Of course, I also ejaculated 2 times while watching them!

It’s time to move to the next Level and fuck my wife with other men. I’m going to fuck my wife as soon as possible, both in her pussy and ass. And I’m going to do it for the first time in that tent camp 🙂

31 Pleasurable shots for men with hands in their dicks!

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