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www RedTube com kanalları brazzers porno film i had to move somewhere else because of the name.I was meeting people in the apartment where I lived during the day.the first people I met were serkan and hatice couple.hatice dresses indoors, but I didn’t understand how she was indoors.long skirts with 1 kilo of paint on the face, but tight skirts in a way that reveals the gotu.also, in the clothes she wears ustune, such gogusler is again as obvious as stone.khadija had an amazing physique and she was showing it off comertce.things started to get good between us the other night.hatice’s husband Serkan was a bit of a kind man.gözu was always someone who was not very interested in the house outside.içi icabi is constantly outside the city he would come out and enjoy it.poor khadija, her husband’s face gormezdi.ne I have been thinking a lot about saying that this is a kind of marriage.a gun is compared to serk in the elevator.I saw that he had a small suitcase in his hand again.no wonder there’s a trip again, I think I said.yes, he said I would go to adana for 3 days, but it was a dirty dirty sirit.that evening I was sitting at home watching TV.i looked at the door, khadija.i’m uncomfortable, but I think he threw insurance at home and said it doesn’t work anyway.he said would you take a look if I didn’t understand at all.of course, I said, we went upstairs.the house was pitch dark.i looked at the fuse exploded, I said I have a spare when I get home, alim.fuse u i got it, I’m here.hatice is trying to make a candle light in her hand for me.he was already in black.a slim sweater that fits on the body with black long sleeves and a black skirt that fits on the long body.I could only see her face in makeup by candlelight.anyway, I changed the fuse, removed the salter, everything was frozen to normal.just as I was getting off the chair, I lost my balance slightly and slammed my shoulder against the wall.khadija immediately panicked and said, are you all right, come sit on the water seat and let’s see.when I said here here, Khadija’s hands were moving around on my shoulder and I was really enjoying it.i said no, I’m fine, he’s just bruised.bikac gune i said it would pass.he said if you have time, I’ll make coffee for you.i said that would be fine.khadija went to the kitchen.i’m watching him from where I’m sitting too.when he was taking cups out of the lower cupboard or something, how did he get those stubs out?while I was so engrossed, Hatice and I came face to face for a moment.I immediately turned my head around.khadija was smiling, but I saw her.hatice called me from the kitchen to see if you could come for 1 minute.i left immediately.there is sugar on the top shelf, I can’t lie down, he said would you take it.meanwhile, Hatice was putting coffee in the coffee pot right at me.i reached for the master shelf behind khadija, but my dick had not reached khadija.there was never a sound from Khadija.he put sugar in sugar or something.he began to stir the coffee pot.he asked if you could put the sugar back in its old place.I put the sugar back by leaning on khadija’s gotun again.but this time I leaned back more consciously.there were coffees.we went inside.we started a conversation.khadija started to get worried about her husband.he’s never interested in the house, but he’s going here and there for work, I’ve got a wife, he’s never thinking about being at home or something.mishap, I dropped the cup from my hand, it was woven expertly.khadija immediately bought a cloth and tried to clean it.it’s right where he cleaned my dick, ustu.he was pushing the diaper hard, ustume.as a matter of fact, my dick got up right away.khadija he understood the situation, we came, I held it in my hand, I was towards myself, and I snatched khadija from his lips.we started thinking crazy.hatice sat on my lap and now she left herself to me.i was sucking khadija’s goguses and I was holding her hard and hard.khadija pulled out the mask on my master and started licking my eyes.khadija was burning, she was officially longing for sex with a man.slowly he began to descend to the bottom.he grabbed my belt and took off my pants and underwear.when he saw my cock, he said that this big lady looks cute and naughty and opened my cock’s head.he took it between his two lips and sucked hard.with the turban on the head of khadija he started sulking my dick together.she almost made my dick pink with those lipstick lips.muthis was making a blowjob with his longing for yarraga, khadija.I couldn’t take it anymore anymore and said I’d come.come to my mouth, because I didn’t taste the full, he said and smelled my cock, and I emptied it full into his mouth.he sucked my cock like a vacuum, khadija.i put khadija on the couch, just took off her skirt and underwear.I started licking your newly fucked pussy.when I licked, Khadija was moaning like she was passing out.oh, I missed all this, my pussy was officially burning, he said.wait, I just said we’ve just started.khadija has a wonderful gotu there was.yarraga sesameis ami was thoroughly watered, and when I licked it, Hatice started moaning because I wanted a cock.come on, fuck me, he was saying what am I doing, dick.i pulled khadija towards the edge of the seat, so I stood on my knees and smelled my cock, khadija’s burning amina.it was like firin, the ici of khadija’s amen.I started to insert my penis into khadija’s amen in a series.when I got older, Hatice, who was a big person, could only bleed for such pleasure.i was fucking looking at khadija’s eyes, amini.after a while, we were empty with khadija.i fell on khadija’s ustune, my penis was still in her amen.after a little breathing I pulled khadija’s sweater up and started sucking her eyes.it was great, I bit and bit and sucked and licked the goguses.hatice said in my ear do you want to fuck me from gotum.i said I’d really like it.I immediately got up on my feet.hatice was sitting on the sofa and took my cock in her mouth.I was doing it head over heels, holding the turbaned head.i fucked khadija’s mouth hard and hard.my penis was like a box.i said don to khadija.khadija stood on her knees on the sofa.the view of the wonderful goth was muthisti.I hit my dick hard and put it on Khadija’s got hole.I started pushing.my cock was slowly entering khadija gotune.I stuck it in until my tassles touched the butt.khadija kept taking deep deep breaths and saying offf.then I started to come and go slowly.my 20cm penis started to come in and out of Khadija’s got like an arm.i’m starting to speed up now and I’m starting to put my dick in khadija’s got hole in a series.my tassles had started to turn red from kicking.hatice ahh ahh great fuck me fuck me gotumden was moaning.when I stung my dick, Hatice’s turban started to hurt.khadija’s long black hair appeared when the turban fell to the ground.i hung on your hair and started fucking your goth of khadija.i fucked khadija’s goth until my breath stopped.that night, he stopped with Khadija and rested until morning, it was cyclical.now when I was empty, it was coming out of my dick, not full, but liquid like water, so you understand.we had a lot of sex at my house and at Khadija’s house until khadija’s husband came.having allowed her husband to go on business trips, Hatice is now waiting for him to leave with four eyes, of course I am.if you don’t fuck, they’ll fuck you like this, serkancim.

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