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Let me tell you about myself first, I am Ali, 32
i’m old. I live in Samsun. 1.67 tall, handsome
and I’m an attractive person. My wife is a computer engineer, and I am a doctor.
Unfortunately, we don’t have children. The story I will tell is my wife’s sister’s
it passed between me and his daughter. Dec. The girl in question is 19 years old and this year
he’s going to start college. My wife’s sister, her husband and Ayse yurt
they live outside. Find an opportunity this year and join them
we decided to leave. My wife has arranged her affairs. For three days
we were going to leave. One day in the morning my brother-in-law took my wife to the construction site
he decided. They were going to study the works together. My sister, Ayşe and I
we were at home. My sister got a phone call. He invited his friends to the cinema
they had cinema days Decoupled among themselves with Turkish friends
run, run, he went to her. He asked me if I wanted to come.
I didn’t want to either, and I made it clear to him.

He didn’t take it either and went alone. Ayşe and I
we were left alone at home. Yes, as you can imagine, Ayşe
i wanted to. I was also tired of my wife. But our sex life
it wasn’t very heartwarming at all. My eyes are also out
he was slipping. What better opportunity to be with Ayşe than this
i couldn’t find it. When my sister left the house, I immediately called Ayşe inside.
I was going to tell him openly and we were going to be together if he wanted.
I made out to seduce her a little, and the skirt she was wearing
he was stripping off a little, throwing himself on his legs and sitting in front of me.
I’ve clearly said everything. Aisha was surprised, but
by immediately throwing his surprise over him, he also wanted me very much
He said. I was happy too. But of course on one condition to me
he had come. He wanted me to fuck him in different fantasies. Headscarf
he was very curious about women’s fucking and he went to his
wouldn’t he say he took your clothes and fuck me like that?

I am to people who are turbaned and have faith
i don’t interfere, but never the horny, showing-off turbans who are horny
i won’t be idle, fuck. And then what this bitch did anyway
I accepted the condition thinking that it did not fit into the faith. Ayşe
he brought clothes from his room. I undressed in front of him. Headscarf
she put her clothes on, and now we were ready and we started kissing.
We were like crazy, there was a very hot atmosphere. My Cock
I could feel him getting erect. I started to undress him. My Cock
I took him by the hand and gave him a little 31. Then professionally blowjob
made. I’m sure he liked it very much. He laid me down, my penis
he started licking. I was freaking out, I’ve never enjoyed it so much in my life
i don’t remember buying it. My wife wouldn’t lick it anyway. Ayşe
he placed my hardened cock in her pussy with a snap. Easy does it
I gradually accelerated the tidal movements that started slowly.
It hurt, but it was worth it for the pleasure he got. Then Ayşe
she lay down, I got up on her lap and put my cock in her mouth
i placed it. I slowly got on top of her and fucked her ass
i also provided. Then he asked me to wrap it up. He will apply to me
he was trying to fulfill his strapon fantasy. I was Surprised
honestly, I didn’t know what to say at that moment. I was also curious, and he
by fulfilling the fantasy with him, we both ejaculate and
we were relieved.

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